“When God said, ‘I made you in My image in My likeness,’ He was actually giving you the ability to be just like Him! You were created by Him and there is a void in everyone‘s heart that He wants to fill, and only He can.”
When we stand before the Lord—and we will, what will we bring Him? Souls! Everything else is just a distraction, but your heart should be broken open for souls that need Jesus.
“Jesus wants to fill the earth with a bunch of people who look and act like Him, and it cannot be done in your own strength because you lack the necessary qualities.”
“God is restoring and ‘re-storying’ our ground, because we were one way, but God is shifting our story as we become who God has seen us to be on the inside.”
“A lot of people have received Jesus as Savior, but are not living empowered, because their soul has been contaminated, and they need to receive the implanted Word—Jesus Himself—as the center of their life; that is what saves you!”
“Each of us has a place where you can allow God to shift you closer to Him in the spiritual realm, because following Jesus will cost you everything, but He will give you even MORE!”
“When you understand this parable, you understand the mysteries of God, because you will have all that He promises you come to pass!”