February 18, 2024

Oh, How He Loves You and Me!

Passage: 1 John 4:7-19, Romans 8:28 TPT

Pastor Dawn released a timely prophetic word during worship. The Lord said to His people, “Don’t just visit Me; instead, dwell inside Me and abide in Me. Press through to breakthrough!” We are realizing that God is doing something unusual at Liberty to reESTABLISH the foundation and direction of the Church. In studying Nehemiah‘s challenge of building up the broken down walls of Jerusalem in 52 days, we recognize that God is also moving supernaturally to build up our broken down walls in these days. Many people gave their testimony of what God is doing in their lives, and we are more determined than ever to fulfill the purpose of God for Liberty. It is exciting to see and hear what God is doing to ignite each one personally, to fire each person up and help them to fulfill the plan of God for their lives. It is also exciting to see the teams God is putting together and see how they encourage one another:

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