Sunday Service:
Sundays at 10AM
6800 SW 21st Court
Suite 1
Davie, FL 33317
Wednesday Service:
Wednesdays at 7:30pm
6800 SW 21st Court
Suite 1
Davie, FL 33317
Get Connected
God made us to live life in the context of community. At Liberty Life Center, church isn’t just about the Sunday Service, but about learning how to laugh together, grow together, serve together, and to live life well together.

God Happenings
“We invite you to celebrate with us the great things God has done, what He is doing, and what He is going to do! We pray that your hope is lifted, and your spirit is encouraged. God is no respecter of persons! May these words of testimony build your faith so you can make a prophetic declaration for your own life. Let's celebrate the faithfulness of God and come to Him with an expectant heart for what is to come!”