February 11, 2024

It’s A Good Thing God Sees You This Way!

Passage: Philippians 1:28

It is an extremely exciting but very uncomfortable time in the Church, because God is getting each one of us out of our comfort zone and into the place where we know we can’t do it without Him—and that’s a good thing! God is restoring our purpose to us. He has a plan and a goal, and we get to be part of what God is doing! It is in our relationship with God that we are changed, and learn to walk in a victorious attitude so we don’t focus on being afraid of what the enemy is doing. In the Bible, Nehemiah, Moses, Gideon, David, Peter and Saul who became Paul saw themselves a certain way, but it’s a good thing that God saw each one His way. No matter what the enemy has tried to tell us, it is a good thing that we are His beloved, and we are learning how much God loves us. Pastor Dawn invited those who wanted to be prayed for about a spirit of fear to come up and receive personal prophetic ministry, and many were set free and the glory of God came down in our midst!

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