March 3, 2024

Vulnerability Brings Victory, Selflessness Brings Fulfillment

Passage: Ephesians 5:27

On Valentine’s Day, Elder Eric Taylor encouraged the congregation that loving one another like God loves requires vulnerability, trust and transparency, and he committed to loving the family that meets here at Liberty as God loves them. Today, Elder Eric shared from his heart of how the Lord is working in his life to bring him into the freedom that Christ gives. Eric shared that God has been revealing the subtle lies of the enemy he had been believing for years that were stealing his joy and power and freedom, and causing him to sin. Eric encouraged each person to ask God to show them what lies of the devil they were believing, and to ask God to reveal the truth of God and apply the truth of God’s Word. In God’s Kingdom, vulnerability is victory, transparency is freedom, selflessness brings fulfillment, and humility positions you to be used by God. God is working to bring the whole Body of Christ into being the Bride without spot or wrinkle. When you get out of your comfort zone to be transparent and humbly obey God, you discover God is with you—and there is nothing as wonderful as the transformation and freedom that realization brings!

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