March 20, 2024

Free To Be Free!

Passage: 2 Corinthians 10:4-5, Romans 8:37-38

Walking in the knowledge of how BIG God really is makes us free to be free! God wants us to be free from all things that have held us captive, and He wants us to be free to be all that God intends us to be. We are in a new season now, and we have to recognize that we don’t have to fight for what we already have from God! We don’t have to try to win God’s affection. Satan will keep us focused on the devil’s tactics in the world, instead of the reality of the freedom we live in. And Satan will always try to cause us to doubt God’s love because then we will have a small mindset of God and what He can do, but being aware of HOW MUCH HE LOVES US changes everything from the inside out! Our warfare is to pull down thoughts that minimize who our God is and how free and mighty He has made us!

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