March 27, 2024

Palm Sunday

Passage: Luke 19:29-42, Zechariah 9:9

We may not understand the timing of God, but we do know obedience to God‘s unusual requests brings unusual supernatural results. The disciples obeyed Jesus in the unusual request to seemingly steal someone’s donkey and bring it to Jesus. Jesus was fulfilling prophecy and involving His disciples because He was preparing them for the future. God wants us to be willing to obey Him in unusual ways and trust Him for the results for building His Kingdom. There are those that will listen and those that reject, but love is still calling. God is engaging all of His disciples to disciple others by the gifts He has given us, and it’s time for us to know how big is our God, and how big He is on the inside of us!. When we do the unusual things He asks of us He can bring the miraculous! There is a celebration coming in heaven, and all who respond to Him will get to be part of it! In Revelation 7:9-10 we read of “a great multitude of all nations, tribes, peoples, and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, WITH PALM BRANCHES in their hands, praising God!

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