"It's an 'upside-down Kingdom,' and you will find that submission to God is the key to real freedom."
“This is who we are at Liberty, a community of believers equipped, built together and empowered by God, and if it was just to change your life it would be worth it!”
We win by taking every thought that minimizes who God is and what He has done, and we recognize it and replace it with the truth of how much He loves us, and how big He is, because we are free to be free!
“Realize you are chosen for a God-given assignment to be uniquely set up part for His glory. You are the only you God has!”
“The hard part is uncovering the lies the devil had you believing, but when you uncover them, the truth will set you on the path to freedom, and the Lord Himself will flood you with His truth.”
Not only did I not get laid off, I was the only one in my company to get a 5% increase in pay! Only Jesus!
There is nothing that can change your circumstances like an Encounter with Him!