We win by taking every thought that minimizes who God is and what He has done, and we recognize it and replace it with the truth of how much He loves us, and how big He is, because we are free to be free!
“Whatever you are believing God for, increase it!”
“If we truly know how much God loves us, we also know we can get past our past, and then we will be unwilling to take our eyes off of the purposes of God, because we just don’t have time to maintain the regrets of the past, or be intimidated in the present.”
For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus, for good works, which God pre-destined for us that we should walk in them
“The gifts that are inside each of us will collide with the gifts of others, and then God‘s multiplication will occur and more people will be impacted for eternity.”
Nothing you go through is the end because you have a God that will take the ashes and turn it into something beautiful
Those that turned the world upside down have come here too!