“This is the year that we move beyond ourselves, because God said, ‘My power and grace will meet together, and you will see it is about His skill moving through you, not about your own skill!”
“First things first really matter to God, and when He is first, everything comes into Kingdom order so I can enjoy what God is able to do in every area of my life!”
“The power of connection with God is so great because you can’t live properly without Him doing it through you, with His strength—not your own!”
What will you do with this revelation of holiness? You can either have a life of freedom today or live your life wishing that you did!
Mary was infused with faith and hope and love, and it enabled her to receive a beautiful, pure, holy ability from God to do whatever was necessary, and you will have the same “indelible ink moments” with God for what He has called you to, and no one can take it away from you!
“This is who we are at Liberty, a community of believers equipped, built together and empowered by God, and if it was just to change your life it would be worth it!”
”Say this: ‘I am going to pay attention to God, and I am going to do great things because God has purposed me to do great things.’”
”God is saying that He is calling on people to get out of their comfort zone and do what He asks them to do—unusual things that will bring about supernatural results, and He is looking to reestablish our mindsets and asking us to partner with Him!”
We win by taking every thought that minimizes who God is and what He has done, and we recognize it and replace it with the truth of how much He loves us, and how big He is, because we are free to be free!
God is saying, ‘I am a God that will not let go of you. I am holding you in My arms of protection, of healing, and all that you have dreamed of, because if you are living with Me in your life, My dreams are your dreams and you can trust Me on this path