September 11, 2022

God’s Work on Earth

Passage: John 4:34

Jesus told His disciples in John 4 that His food was to do the will of One who sent Him, and to “finish His Work”. God’s work here on earth started in Genesis and continues to this very day. His plan from the beginning was to let us humans know who He is and that He is real. He sent Jesus to show us how to live on earth and to let us know that because of His sacrifice we are saved from an eternity in hell. His plan all along was for others to know Jesus and His character, follow His ways as believers, and go out into the world and tell His story to make more disciples. He knew that you and I would one day be followers of His Son and that we too would carry on the Great Commission. He has equipped you to do all that He did on the earth. We need to Stay the course!

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