September 18, 2022

Holy Spirit is Faithful – Part One

Passage: Acts 2:1-4 KJV

When Jesus left His disciples to return to His Father in Heaven, He was faithful to fulfill His promise of sending the helper, His Holy Spirit, who manifested on the earth by living in the disciples and enabling them to be the reformers that were needed for their time. These disciples would be not only be responsible for preaching, and miracles, but some would be responsible for writing the Word of God that we call THE BIBLE. That was the time that the faithfulness of Holy Spirit would come to center stage! On the day of Pentecost, 3000 were added and the Church was born because Holy Spirit arrived on the scene. Just like the Apostles and the disciples of old, we as disciples of Jesus today have to recognize that it’s the move of Holy Spirit that will make all the difference in our ability to impact the world today. We must rely on the faithfulness of Holy Spirit!

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