“The power of connection with God is so great because you can’t live properly without Him doing it through you, with His strength—not your own!”
“Your Father in Heaven loves you more than you know, and we are going to be discovering His love for eternity”
Jesus gives us the call to COME and to GO, and in ‘going about your day’ He wants you to partner with Him.”
Bryan Emory: “Don’t be a poser; be a dozer!”
Trish Turner: “Generosity begets generosity, and giving reduces stress and releases joy.”
Letha Skinner: “Generosity is a demonstration of the love of God and of your love.”
Duffy Skinner: “Because of Ruth’s capacity for giving and her example of wisdom in generosity, God expanded Ruth’s impact, and she has even touched our lives by being in King David’s line of how God brought forth our Savior Jesus!”
Justin Taylor: “The devil wants you to be sparing, because he wants to reduce your impact and make you feel insignificant, but God wants to increase you in every way!”
What will you do with this revelation of holiness? You can either have a life of freedom today or live your life wishing that you did!
Mary was infused with faith and hope and love, and it enabled her to receive a beautiful, pure, holy ability from God to do whatever was necessary, and you will have the same “indelible ink moments” with God for what He has called you to, and no one can take it away from you!
If you don’t love, you don’t know God, and Peter is a good example of both sides of 1) knowing Jesus and His love, and 2) forgetting Jesus and focusing on THIS world.”
Eric Taylor: “Our problem is that we are not accessing the spiritual realm to bring the unlimited into the physical dimension, but faith is the ACCESS POINT.”
Frank Grate: “We can do the same things Jesus did, so don’t let fear keep you from obeying God.”
Jonathan Farrell: “Jesus is not counting results; He is looking for how many times you engage your faith for His Kingdom, because that manifests that you really believe Him.”