“Releasing your first fruit offering to Him is an act of grateful worship that brings a reaction from heaven and releases the goodness of God in your life!”
“First things first really matter to God, and when He is first, everything comes into Kingdom order so I can enjoy what God is able to do in every area of my life!”
“God plants in us the very desires of His heart because it leads us to His purpose for us, with faith and God’s provision for what He desires.”
“The enemy comes to make you feel you have no strength, but the enemy has no real power—even when you feel powerless—if you just remember how BIG our God is and cry out to Him!”
“It’s time to go back to what God has called us to do—to walk in peace, to walk with Him and His desires for us!”
"The alarm has gone off to awaken our hearts and encourage us to put our foundation back on the ROCK—on Jesus!"
"It's an 'upside-down Kingdom,' and you will find that submission to God is the key to real freedom."
"When we are one with Him we have the ability to be one with others."
“The Spirit of Truth dwells in you, and when Satan bombards you and comes to steal, kill and destroy, it is how you respond that determines whether you die slowly or live victoriously”
“We don’t really know how great God’s love is, but He wants to share life and eternity with you—because His love is who He is!”