“I declare touchdowns in the spirit today, tomorrow, and until Jesus returns, because you are advancing the ball into satan’s end zone, and you are going to XPAND this year and BECOME the champion God has always intended for you to be!”
Just know the Author of the ask, and if you know the authenticity of the Author then the why doesn’t even matter.
It is the Spirit INSIDE of us and HIS power demonstration that gives us the edge in winning the world.
God is desperate for us to be desperate for Him.
Everything that God has created has one thing in common….Seed time and Harvest.
They believed the promise would come, but they would have to position themselves to receive HIM.
Jesus was faithful to empower His followers to partner with Him in bringing the action of the Kingdom of God.
Faith works by obedience, and when you obey the ridiculous, you engage in the miraculous.