May 21, 2023

The JOY of the LORD is our Strength

Passage: Nehemiah 8:10

If you have received Jesus as Lord and Savior, then you have had an experience with the Master! Jesus is the foundation of life and our joy comes from Him. Pastor Dawn explains how “True Joy” is supernatural, and can only be experienced by knowing HIM.  When we are abiding in His presence and staying filled with the Holy Spirit, we have His joy!  It’s His joy that sustains us in the midst of our circumstances or storms. The joy of the Lord lives within us and compels us forward through every situation in life. The truth is, joy does not come from us “choosing” it, it comes through us tapping into the Joy of the Lord that Jesus gave us at Salvation through Holy Spirit.  We just need to recognize it, believe it, and live in it!

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