To be effective in ministry in any capacity, we must follow the 2 great commandments: We must watch our mouth! Because it’s telling what is in our heart. Words can change someone’s life for the better, or the worse. Wrong words can leave a deposit in the container of your mind that can cause you to live below what God has provided for you. But words, spoken in love, have consequences too: They bring life. You have power in your mouth to bless others. We must maintain our own personal time in God’s Word and spend time talking and responding to Him, getting filled up again. We can change the atmosphere and get in proper alignment by putting the right things in the good seed/God recycle bin. You have the ability to change somebody’s day, even somebody’s life. If you are speaking in accordance with God’s Word, you will speak in accordance with His heart.
The Spirit of God lives in you, and you don’t have to live in frail, human nature, falling into the enemy’s traps anymore. Our mind can be ruled by the Spirit with better results! There are Kingdom keys we must learn to live the victorious life that Jesus has provided. We must expose the devil and be aware of what is going on. Agree with the Kingdom by agreeing with the King. As long as you’re in agreement with Him, you can do what He says you can do, and be what He says you can be! In this teaching, Pastor Dawn urges believers to take control of their thoughts, knowing which ones to put in the garbage, and which ones to keep recycling in your mind.
God is serious about that all that He has promised to us. Our Father didn’t have to give us promises, but He did, out of love, and He gave them with the intention and the power to fulfill them. But there are keys to seeing God’s promises fulfilled. Another Key of the Kingdom is the key of agreeing with the King, in our thoughts and our words. For us to be the vessels that bring His Kingdom, and His will on earth as it is in heaven, agreeing ONLY with the King is of absolute necessity.
Mark 14 Jesus goes to the house of Simon the Leper…where there is a lingering stench of death. But food is served there, which brings an aroma of fellowship. Finally, a woman anoints the head and feet of Jesus, releasing the fragrance of extravagant worship. This is what happens when we offer time and fellowship with the Master. He doesn't come as a spectator. Hunger draws Him to you. Make room for intimacy and a fresh encounter with JESUS!
We are not alone in this world. We have a God who is our Lord and Savior. One day we’ll all face Him. And give an answer to our life. We must make the choices to do that which is pleasing to God, over and over. Your choice to serve God consistently gives you consistent peace. It gives you consistent confidence before God. Grace is great, but let us not just depend on grace. Let us depend on our consistent relationship with God. Our choice to keep on keeping on being faithful is making a difference, and only eternity will bring the full picture of the results.
The goodness of God is found in relationship with Him and is at the center of faith in Him. We are responsible to protect our purpose from Jesus so that we can experience all of His goodness. There's no looking back!
Since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us give thanks, by which we offer to God an acceptable worship with reverence and awe; We have received, and are receiving the revelation of all that it means to be a part of His kingdom that is unshakable. A key to the Kingdom is to acknowledge all that He is with all that we are in an attitude of worship and praise. His manifest presence will give us keys to the Kingdom. And we will be disciples who know Him differently, because of intimate relationship that comes during praise and worship. And adoration for who He is draws heaven’s will to earth.
God is involved in all aspects of our lives. He is good, He is kind, and He is watching over us. Even when we make mistakes, He is bigger than our mistakes. One of the things I love about ABBA is that He gets personally involved in our mess to even save us from our mistakes. He sees us beyond our shortcomings. In His eyes, we are good, because He looks at what He knows we can be for Him and with Him and He find the good in us, even when good is not around. When we were created, we were in Him from the beginning. You can be like Him, act like Him, think like Him. You can see others through His eyes of love, and show them love because you have received love. When you are confident in His love for you, you will realize that no one is beyond the compassion and mercy of God.
“Pray the Lord of the harvest send laborers” - I believe that Jesus was getting His disciples to pray so that THEY would burn with the same kind of compassion so they could be the laborers sent to get the harvest! There is so much fun when Christians are burning with anticipation of being utilized by their groom. There is joy in the journey. These are followers of Jesus who desire to know every part of Him. They want to continually communicate with Him, so they will always have more to give out. They keep the oil of the Spirit going simply by being aware of Him and His heart and sharing it with the ONE. The ones that use the key of compassion, following in Jesus’ footsteps. These are those who will be given more keys. When you give what is in your heart, you will release what you have in your hand. And God will bless it and multiply it.


At Liberty, Our Passion Is...  To provide an atmosphere where Holy Spirit is welcomed and free to do WHATEVER! Where people encounter God, empowering them to engage in reaching their world with freedom and life for the purposes of the Kingdom!

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