In order to live like a conqueror, we are going to have to change our mindset to that of a champion. We can achieve this if we train our minds to think on the victory that Jesus has already won for us. We must do more than hear it. We must do more than just speak. The love of God needs to be poured out with His Spirit, and with His anointing. You can arise to LOVE and take action, knowing that love conquers all! WHO is Jesus to YOU? He is our champion, and He always wins!
We can't change the truth, but if we believe the truth then it will change us. We have been made holy and faultless in God's eyes. Since our behavior reflects what we believe, we must choose to believe the truth that we are holy and perfect in God's sight. If we do that then our behavior will be holy and perfect. Announce aloud each day that you are holy, faultless in God's eyes, and that your actions line up. God will do amazing things in your life as you prove out this truth!
More than conquerors through Him – that is how He demonstrated His love for us. Love is our glorious victory over everything, because loving Him, completely, opens the door for us to understand who we are in HIM. It isn’t about how big the fight is against you. It is about how big God is on the inside of you. There is nothing the enemy can think of against you that God hasn’t provided the victory for. God is always ready to show Himself strong on your behalf. We are on the winning side!
Jesus came to conquer. He came to destroy the works of the enemy. And He came to create champions. Champions have a heart for first place. Champions live differently because they are living for something bigger than themselves, for others. God has called us all to be champions, more than conquerors, able to do the impossible. We can be who He called us to be, passionate people creating an atmosphere for miracles, bringing glory to Him, and fulfilling His dream!
All of us have faced times when we have cried out to God, and come to the conclusion that God has forgotten us. We know He is there, but we’re not seeing our prayers answered, or we’re not feeling His presence. The disciples of Jesus felt this way, and even Jesus Himself felt abandoned by His Father. However, we now know that behind the scenes, God was orchestrating the most important event for all of mankind. It wouldn’t be seen with natural eyes, nor heard with natural ears, but everything was changing for the benefit of those whom God loved. Hallelujah! We are living on the other side of the cross. On the other side of the empty tomb. Jesus is risen! He is not dead, and He will never be silent! And neither shall we be, for we were once dead, but now we are alive in HIM!
Hosanna to the King of kings! Who is Jesus to you? Is He just a man, or is He your everything? For without Him we will never be secure, or satisfied or complete. With Him, we can do all things as more than conquerors and take this land we have been assigned. Our authority is given us as children of the Most High God. We are children of God, and if children, then heirs; heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ. Our life must revolve around Him with gratitude for what He has done. Worship aligns our heart to what He deserves. Let us glorify Him and enjoy Him as King.
Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. When the Spirit leads you into the wilderness, you can know that He is leading you to prepare you. To be ready and victorious when the enemy comes at you with temptation. So pay attention! God is always for you, and He desires to lead and protect you, and will always "nudge" you with His Spirit!
We know that revival and transformation for others, for regions, for our city, and even nations, is in the heart of God right now. But it won’t come without passionate prayer. We have been praying, but have we been seeking personal revival to bring transformation? Functioning in the spirit realm, bringing heaven to earth, is not only available every day, but is available to every believer, every day. When we decide to be ALL IN, and to seize everything God has made available to us, then we will see revival in us, and transformation in others around us.
How can the un-revived bring revival? There has to be a personal revival first. And that kind of revival comes when people are praying for GOD more than they are praying for what they want from God. God has assigned us to be more than just church goers, or people that know how to have faith for the things we need. He has assigned us to be governing voices that are not only awakened to their real purpose, but speaking into the darkness spiritual truths that will shake things back into divine order. But often we don’t understand it is spiritual activity that comes FIRST before the natural activity responds. We must set ourselves in position before Him, to hear Him, to line up with His will, and to then obey His guidance and watch what HE will do.
Jesus is able to do the impossible in every life. Join us as we listen to the testimonies of those who were rescued from impossible situations through the power of Jesus' love.