January 13, 2019

Glorious Church – Our Approach

Passage: Isaiah 61:1

God is longing to restore to His Glorious Church both His power and His presence and be awakened. He is looking for laid-down lovers. He is so happy when His Church doesn’t just visit Him, but they come through the gates, into the Holy Place, willingly, because of a fire of desire that burns within them. But the way we approach His presence and the desire for His power is vitally important. We must determine to do nothing of our own accord, but only for His purposes, to demonstrate His love – not to be seen, not to prove anything to anyone. But knowing we are an extension of His Body, for the benefit of others. Then His power will increase exponentially through His beautiful Bride becoming who He wants us to be. The Church needs God’s power to demonstrate His great love for others, but it is His presence that keeps you filled and hungry for more.

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