April 7, 2019

Faith Series – Part 4

Passage: Acts 20:32

It’s time for the people of God to know and rely on the Word of God and on the God of the Word. We are not to be like mere men. We must not remain as baby Christians when it comes to faith. We are to live like God’s sons and daughters—filled up with the power of God—as victorious overcomers, enjoying serving Jesus for all He has provided for us! We each have to walk out OUR own faith in life, as we mature spiritually. Our faith comes from hearing the WORD, and letting the Word of faith come alive in our heart. And the reality of the power of the Word will occur as we apply it to whatever situations we face. God is watching over His Word to perform it, as we apply the Word with faith. That is just the beginning. We must feed our faith daily. There is always more to look forward to as we walk with our God in this life!

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