April 11, 2021
This is a new season of rebuilding the walls of the vision God has given us! Rise & Build!

Remain Confident

October 4, 2020
When opposition rises, it is not uncommon for the enemy to create an unstable environment within us in order to persuade us to give up and succumb to an untimely death of vision and purpose.


January 5, 2020
Many things hinder us from free-falling into God and all He has for us. Fasting is a way to remove those hindrances.
Part of the reason for the feast called Pentecost was for believers to have the opportunity to celebrate and rejoice in God's miraculous intervention within history. In other words, it was about worship. The beauty of this is that remembering the testimony (a declaring of what God has done) of Jesus prophesies (declaring what God is going to do) into what He will do among us. Worshiping God for what He has done creates an atmosphere for miracles.


At Liberty, Our Passion Is...  To provide an atmosphere where Holy Spirit is welcomed and free to do WHATEVER! Where people encounter God, empowering them to engage in reaching their world with freedom and life for the purposes of the Kingdom!

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