
2023 Fasting GuideKINGDOM LIVING: Continue to Learn

KINGDOM LIVING: Continue to Learn

Day: Day 13
Date: January 21, 2023
Title: KINGDOM LIVING: Continue to Learn

I hope you are beginning to realize that God is bringing us truly back to foundational truths, but also into the future He has always desired for us to enjoy.

The Holy Spirit had such an impact on the people that heard and received the truth that they continued to have a hunger for more.

Acts 2:42 NASU

They were continually devoting themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread, and to prayer.

Their hunger was so much that they were devoting themselves to the apostles’ teaching.

This tells us that they understood the authority and inspiration of the apostles. Paul said the Church is built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets. So they were determined to NOT devote themselves to anything else.

This is where the challenge of the day for us comes. This is a different culture, right?

Let’s face it, we have so many things that distract us. They keep us from staying focused on what is needed for us to be centered on so we can continue to grow.

We have a list of things that are good, valid things we do in our lives, like having family time, raising children, school, and making money to provide.

We also have a list of what we like to concentrate on: video games, movies, sports, shopping, eating out, exercise, etc.

It seems as though we have a hard time continuing to devote our time to the apostles’ teachings (the Word of God).

But let us think about what was happening in the days these new disciples lived in.

They also had to make money to provide for their family. Some had herds to take care of, we know they were carpenters, tent makers, shepherds, etc.  These are professions requiring hard work and long hours.

The women had to go get water from the well, make the bread, take care of the family and wash all the clothes by hand.

There were no automobiles to get where they needed to go. Most had to walk everywhere they went, which took time and energy.

Yet, their devotion drove them past the hardships of including this necessary learning into their schedule. They recognized it as the most important part of their schedule. (Let us remember this was NOT instead of their family, because they brought their family together for this time.)

Yet, we who are also God’s children that need to continue to learn, have a hard time finding a place to fit reading and studying, and learning together that was so vitally important for the New Testament Church.

Aren’t we still the New Testament Church, the Ekklesia?

God has said to us through many recent prophetic words that “sometimes Christianity” is not acceptable.

We make time for what we really count as the most important.

I learned long ago that if you don’t make the time, there will be no time.

I also learned that if you log down what you do in a day every waking hour for a week, you will be so surprised at how much time you actually waste.  Maybe it’s Instagram, or media of some kind.  Maybe it’s mindlessly watching or listening to something that has no eternal value.

We are in 2023. These past few years have been extremely challenging in many ways.  Some stayed determined to follow Jesus and continue.  Some may still think Jesus is first but have not determined to learn anything more.  They think they already know what the apostles’ doctrine is.

1 Corinthians 16:13 AMP

Be alert and on your guard; stand firm in your faith (your conviction respecting man’s relationship to God and divine things, keeping the trust and holy fervor born of faith and a part of it). Act like men and be courageous; grow in strength!

The Kingdom Reality is:

There are layers of learning to be had in every Scripture.  God uses progressive revelation that is hidden sometimes for ages.  We must recognize we are alive right now for His purposes and that the Holy Spirit will awaken things within us that we have never seen or applied before.

It will come as we study, but also, there must be a hunger to sit and learn from those that have gone before you.  They have wisdom from learning themselves and have the revelation that you need.

How many of you have said, “That sermon was just for me”?   Indeed, it was. God reveals what needs to be revealed for the times and the people we are ministering to.

I know my life has been changed many times by sitting at the feet of others who carried spiritual insight.  There were things I had not recognized before, but when they said it, it lit up my spirit and I had the desire to know more.

Recognize the call of the Spirit right now.  He is drawing us into heavenly places.

We prayed yesterday for revival, but we can’t have revival without a willingness to continue to grow.

Will it take sacrifice to learn?  Yes.  Will it equip you?  Yes.

Ephesians 4:11-13 NASU

11 And He gave some as apostles, and some as prophets, and some as evangelists, and some as pastors and teachers,
12 for the equipping of the saints for the work of service, to the building up of the body of Christ;
13 until we all attain to the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a mature man, to the measure of the stature which belongs to the fullness of Christ.

God has already said what needs to occur.  This year will be a year of growth, in every way, for those who will heed His call.

We are planning teaching and training opportunities for you to grow and be utilized by God to partner with Jesus to continue His mission to disciple, equip, and transform people, cities, and nations.


Make provision for the vision. Start now by making a decision to attend the classes that are offered at Liberty to better equip you to obey God’s heart desires in 2023.

By that, I seriously ask that you get your phone out and block time on Wednesdays to begin the necessary learning journey. Let’s do this all for HIM!


Dear Lord,

I want to be honest before You and honest with myself.  I have things in my life that are not nearly as important as going forward with You, to do what You have called me to do.

I ask You to forgive me and help me to give You the first fruit of my time.  I know if I sow seed into learning more from those who have gone before me, I will be ready to go and do what You have ordained for me this year.

I am asking You to help me to put First things First. And You are my FIRST.  I want to be passionate about what You are passionate about.  I will continue to follow after You and give my time to continue to learn so I can go forward in all You have for me.

I am marking my calendar with GROWTH on it, starting now.

Thank You for releasing revelatory truths to me that will impact me and change me and others for eternity.

In Jesus’ name I pray.  Amen.


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