Just know the Author of the ask, and if you know the authenticity of the Author then the why doesn’t even matter.
“Don’t carry the burden yourself; allow God to shield you by developing a deep, deep level of trust as you pray it through until you’ve given it completely over to God”
It is a new season, and God is RE-ESTABLISHING us, because He wants to RE-ESTABLISH the Church so He can RE-ESTABLISH what the Church is to the community
God is listening to your heart! Don’t let Satan take away your communication with God, because of course, the devil will try!
“Our lives will begin to speak “Jesus”, and He will move as only He can.”
For Jesus to be Lord of your life, He cannot be Lord of a part — He must be given control of your entire life.
Fasting should put a demand on your life.
These stories are not only for us to celebrate what God has done, but to provide an atmosphere of expectation that says, “Come, do it again!” (Rev.19:10)