Mary was infused with faith and hope and love, and it enabled her to receive a beautiful, pure, holy ability from God to do whatever was necessary, and you will have the same “indelible ink moments” with God for what He has called you to, and no one can take it away from you!
If you don’t love, you don’t know God, and Peter is a good example of both sides of 1) knowing Jesus and His love, and 2) forgetting Jesus and focusing on THIS world.”
“This is who we are at Liberty, a community of believers equipped, built together and empowered by God, and if it was just to change your life it would be worth it!”
“Embrace the Holy Spirit; we need to have supernatural events in our life so we can have supernatural events flow through us for other people’s lives.”
“God is not a withholder, and neither are we! When we give, they will get hungry to know Him!”
Love had provided for them, doubt had stolen from them, and now fear had entered their lives.
God is faithful to you even before you ask and that faithfulness is demonstrated fully through His Son, Jesus.