“The angels announced Him, the shepherds announced Him, and now it is our turn to announce Him to others!”
Mary was infused with faith and hope and love, and it enabled her to receive a beautiful, pure, holy ability from God to do whatever was necessary, and you will have the same “indelible ink moments” with God for what He has called you to, and no one can take it away from you!
John’s baptism was a baptism of repentance, but Jesus’ baptism was a baptism of acceptance!
Jesus was and is the hope of the world!
Jesus showed us the way of RESOLUTE LOVE, to love others no matter how they responded, even unto death.
Don’t be discouraged. Stand in the middle of the battle, hear the enemy’s lie, then declare God’s victory as you listen to His plan for winning. There is a new level of awakening to authority. Now it is your time to stand up with purpose and decrees!
There is hope in the day of trouble. Spirit EMPOWERED is not only our promise, but it is essential for believers during this time.