“Don’t be under the banner of anything else; rally under the banner of God!”
“God said to me, ‘I’m not asking you to follow Me anymore; I’m asking you to join Me.”
“Come to Church hungry for God! Our challenge is that unless we change our hunger factor we won’t change the world.”
Susan Dudley: “Stay connected to God and use your gifts to help others connect to God, because using your gifts brings joy, giving brings you joy, and connecting brings you joy!”
Jessica Dail: “Being grateful brings God into your space and connects God to you!”
Mariela Fernandez: “The body of Christ is many parts, so we must continue to love each other and stay connected because each part is important.”
“Be a doer for God and demonstrate His love; keep your armor strong, and let God watch over and protect you!”
“It’s DO season because it’s time for us to be engaged with Him in what He is doing, and you will see that if you spend time with God, you’re going to explode with faith in Him and what He can do through you!”
“We are on a journey with God to accomplish His will on the earth—which gives us the greatest joy we can ever have as God moves through us!”
“Don’t carry the burden yourself; allow God to shield you by developing a deep, deep level of trust as you pray it through until you’ve given it completely over to God”