August 11, 2024

What To Do in Do Season! (Due Season)!

Passage: Matthew 5:6, Galatians 6:9

We are in a “kairos” moment of God awakening His people to the truth that we serve a GREAT BIG GOD! He is committed to His people working WITH HIM to accomplish the most important thing He wants to do in the earth—bring in a harvest of people who have opened their hearts to Him. It is a season to grow our faith and spend time with Him so that we hunger for the things He hungers for. In this “DO season,” God is releasing signs and wonders, and we must allow Him to overtake our hearts so we will not resist Him with natural thinking. People must see the power and anointing of the Holy Spirit and hunger after Him in such a way that they don’t care about the distractions, because they have been touched by God. Our Savior will increase our appetite and allow us to join Him in His hunger for ALL to come to the knowledge of God, to hunger for Him and receive salvation! Then when we hunger for the same things He hungers for, we will be filled—with joy, with blessing, with power, with delight in being who He called us to be!

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