August 4, 2024

We Are In Do Season!

Passage: Galatians 6:9, Isaiah 61:1-4, John 1:12

Pastor Dawn highlighted the truth that we are in a new season. God wants to partner with us in a new way to build the Kingdom of God in the earth. We are in a set time—an appointed, opportune, “kairos” moment—to rise up and be the Church God has destined us to be. We must set aside the weariness and the waiting around to see what happens, and realize we are in a DO season! We serve a great BIG God, and we must take charge of ourselves when we feel weary, and instead honor Him by joining with Him in what He is doing in this new season. God is moving us into moving with Him! We are going to activate this generation because they are valuable to God, and He loves them! He is always going to include us in what He is doing. Now is the time to know what season we are in, and take the chance to talk to people no one else wants to talk to, and see God in action!

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