April 2, 2023

The Blessing is in the Breaking!

Passage: Matthew 14:19-20

Pastor Rick shared from his book “Giving, Forgiving, and Thanksgiving”; teaching us how each ties into the other. He shared how in Matthew 14 Jesus took the bread and gave thanks for it, then He broke it!  Peter was familiar with making mistakes. In the Bible we read of 16 times he messed up; 16 times he spoke of the suffering; but also 16 times he wrote about of the Glory! Come on now! Pastor Rick shared that the Lord spoke to him some time ago, telling him to share with the Body of Christ that “Until they understand the seasons of brokenness that come into their lives, they are never going to have the multiplication inside of their lives.” There is much to learn from Job and his wife! They lived through the brokenness of losing everything, including their 10 children, but God multiplied it ALL back to them! The blessings comes from the brokenness!

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