May 28, 2023

Pentecost Sunday – The Day of Empowerment & Restoration

Passage: Acts 2:1-4

Pentecost is a Day that should be celebrated by all follows of Jesus Christ!  Sadly, many in the Body of Christ do not celebrate it, or even recognize it as a day of importance.  Those that do, know that it is the day Holy Spirit was poured out on the earth fifty days after Jesus’ ascension to Heaven.  But, it represents so much more!  Pastor Dawn explains that Pentecost fulfilled the need of restoration!  Pentecost not only took place to empower the people of God by filling them with His Holy Spirit, but also to restore all that had been lost so long ago, from Adam & Eve, to the Tower of Babble, and beyond. The plan was for the Spirit to empower His people from within, to live with us and IN US; bringing us back to a former, original state of UNITY, which God always intended. Listen to learn how!

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