In our culture, we applaud self-accomplishment, self-fulfillment. We are encouraged to fight for our rights, to get the things we deserve. The truth is that this type of selfishness living is destructive and is contrary to the ways of Biblical love. Even good and noble actions can be done in a selfish way. It is a battle against the flesh. One you can't ignore. If you choose to ignore, you have already picked a side and it is not the winning one!
Matthew 18:21-35 NIV GOD CALLS US TO FORGIVE OTHERS FREELY, JUST AS HE FORGAVE US. “Forgiveness does not excuse what they did, it only loosens your grip…” Forgiveness allows God to heal your hurts. When you forgive and release someone of their wrongdoing, it means that you are trusting God enough to deal with that other person better than you can. When we ask God to help us forgive, we find freedom from anger and bitterness. We are able to give and receive love the way that God created us to.
When we walk through hardship in life, it’s all too easy to focus on the storm instead of the Savior. God wants us to keep our eyes fixed on Him. Even when life seems scary or painful, God is still there. He is good and completely deserving of our trust. He is the only One who will not let us down. When we trust Jesus fully, we find freedom from life’s circumstances, knowing that God is seeing us, He is hearing our cries, and He has a plan to come to us. He loves us more than we can imagine.
Many times in life we feel that God has abandoned us, especially in the hard times. But God has promised that He would never leave us. Pastor Dawn focuses on this truth of God's Word, and that if we will just keep our eyes on Him, we will realize that He is always with us. When it seems that everything is going wrong, and doubts begin to rise, we need to remind ourselves how faithful God has been.
God is good. God is love. He said He would never leave us or forsake us. Sometimes our perspective can be clouded in the midst of hardship and circumstances, and we can blame God for all our problems. But if we know Him and know His character, we know we can trust Him, and He will work everything together for our good.
When you jump into the Limitless Living lifestyle God has for His children, you are engaging in what will end up being the greatest adventure of your life. Limitless Living is available for you today, in every sphere of your life! Will you be one that rises in faith and action to see the limitless nature of God invade your life, your family, your work place, your city, your nation?
Our enemy uses condemnation to cause separation in our relationship with God. However, we have a magnificent King and Priest. He loves us unconditionally, and He has provided grace and mercy, so that we can come to Him - freely and boldly - to where LOVE is enthroned. (Hebrews 4:16) TPT Limitless ACCESS to the Father! Limitless relationship with Jesus! That's abiding in Him!
God wants more than to be an acquaintance with you. He wants to be your friend and He wants you to be His friend. God’s intentions have never changed, but we are in process of becoming a friend of God. He is not interested in perfection – He is interested in connection. To live a limitless life, we must abide in Him! By abiding in Him, we will come to know His love, and our joy will be full.
God has not limited us to a life that is boring and dull, and without purpose. He has given us a life to be lived WITH Him. He was communicating the heart of God to His disciples, inviting them to come to know Him and to trust Him at a different level. He made it clear that we are actually built to enjoy relationship with GOD Himself while on this earth, not just when we get to heaven. We can have a limitless relationship with God now!
Once you have been with Him, experienced His love, you are changed. Receiving His unconditional love will change your actions. When you find His love, you will have the ability to love yourself. When His love touches you, you will touch and love others differently. God the Father, the Creator of the universe, CHOSE to love you! That is your identity – a loved child of the Most High God!


At Liberty, Our Passion Is...  To provide an atmosphere where Holy Spirit is welcomed and free to do WHATEVER! Where people encounter God, empowering them to engage in reaching their world with freedom and life for the purposes of the Kingdom!

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