In this message, Farrell explores the praise and worship expressed in the Tabernacle of David. Join us as we learn about these various expressions and then put that knowledge into action. The key to the power of praise is found in knowing that praise must become an active and primary part of our daily lives.
We are discovering the differences between Moses and David, and how it relates to us today. We know God is bringing a new thing - new wine. He is looking for His bride who only has eyes for Him, who only wants Him to be glorified. We know that hunger for His presence and worship are keys where we receive revelation of Him, and grow to love Him more and more.
God has dreams, and He has a dream for us. But they will come true only when He is included in those dreams. We must seek Him, make a place for intimacy with Him, every day, in every stage of life. We must give Him permission to do what only He can do in our lives. So many distractions, but we must keep our focus on Him, and stay in His presence. Together we will fulfill our destiny, and help others to fulfill theirs as well. It takes surrender, and being ALL IN!
In this prophetic service, Pastor Dawn reminds us who we are as a church, and where we are going with Him! God has called Liberty Life Center to follow Jesus, to be hungry for more of Him, and to be driven to make a way for others to come into His presence. We have been established on God's Word and we are being awakened and re-established in Him, with His presence and His revelation and His fire.
Justin encouraged everyone to draw near to God and let Him reveal and help you with attacks of the enemy that are specifically against you to hinder of delay you in understanding and fulfilling the unique plan God has for your life. With examples from Abraham's life, Justin showed how he overcame the issues that kept him attempting to fulfill his destiny in his own strength, and showed how Abraham finally broke through to trusting God fully.
God created men and women in His image and in His likeness. He took of Himself, and put it into two very different places, man and woman. But together they were to represent the total heart He wanted displayed on the earth. God has given women some special ingredients that are needed. Being a mother is a special calling. Pastor Dawn explores what a mother is, beyond the natural. There are mothers that may not have given birth to a child in the natural, but they are assigned in the Kingdom to nurture, to have insight, to oversee and work alongside others who need a mother’s strength and the insight that they receive by the Spirit of God. You may be called to “mother” someone who is not your natural child.
We have been learning how to live like more than a conqueror – as Paul exhorted us. As Jesus taught and lived. A conqueror overcomes. A champion has the mindset that he has already won. A champion’s thinking should reflect the resurrection life that we have through Christ. We have positional authority sitting at the right hand of God, ruling and reigning with Christ. When Christ told His disciples to go and make disciples, He told them to do this based on His authority, which He had essentially given them. The disciples worked on behalf of Christ and the Kingdom of heaven. What Jesus said to His disciples then, He is still saying to His disciples today.


At Liberty, Our Passion Is...  To provide an atmosphere where Holy Spirit is welcomed and free to do WHATEVER! Where people encounter God, empowering them to engage in reaching their world with freedom and life for the purposes of the Kingdom!

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