April 16, 2023

Made New – Part Two “God’s People Are a Privileged People”

Passage: Matthew 3:11

The people of God are a very privileged people for so many reasons! Salvation is the beginning, the open door to a journey to know all the truths that are in God’s Word, so we can overcome the enemy of our soul and become passionate people, so fired up about the truth of what their God has done that we become fiery lovers of Him! Yes, if you are “Saved” you have experienced the greatest miracle of all! You have transferred from one kingdom to another. “Made New” because you have experienced a supernatural event. But this is the beginning of so much more! In today’s sermon, Pastor Dawn demonstrates the power that Jesus made available to each of us through the filling of His Holy Spirit; the One who brings the fire to burn up the dross of our past, to change us from the inside out, and light our path with power and purpose, so that we become the answer a lost world is longing for! 

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