April 9, 2023


Passage: Romans 5:18-19

God formed man in His image and in His likeness.  He built a relationship with Adam and Eve in the Garden, but then satan came with an accusation against God, causing Eve, and then Adam, to choose the lie over the purity of God’s plan. Because of their choice, man was then born with a sin. The Old Testament, it proves that man cannot overcome sin by their own strength.  But we serve a great God!  Our Father, the creator and ruler of the universe, made a way for us to overcome sin, through His only begotten Son, Jesus!   Before there could be a resurrection, there had to be a death. Jesus was the living sacrifice that covered all our sins with His own pure blood. Through one man’s sin (Adam’s), came spiritual death and separation from God. But through one man’s love and sacrifice (Jesus), came the rebirth of spiritual life!  God’s original intent was restored; our ability to have a personal relationship with God as His children! Jesus Made Everything New!

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