May 5, 2024


Passage: 1 Corinthians 13:8

Pastor Dawn reminded the body of Christ that we are in a spiritual war, and that when Satan comes with his lies, it is God’s Love that wins the battle for us. There is no force in the universe more powerful than the love our Heavenly Father has for His children. God sent His Son out of love, and He will always love you no matter what. In this time, God is reestablishing us in His love so deeply that we will see God BIG, know His love in our brokenness, turn away from lies of the enemy about God, and understand His love gives us our true identity, and gives us purpose and meaning. Pastor Dawn shared how God called her to be a Pastor at the Sea of Galilee and she saw all the “diamonds” on the water that represented how many lives would be changed by His love and her yes. Tearsa Burgess gave a beautiful testimony of how God realigned her heart and gave her back her confidence that the Love of God would see her through every challenge, and in this process we need each other in the body of Christ.

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