February 4, 2024

Highlights of What God is RE-ESTABLISHING Among Us

Passage: Acts 2:42-47, Ephesians 2:10

Pastor Dawn gave a very comforting “now” Word from the Lord encouraging us that God will cause our lives to change as He brings us into great blessing.
We are discovering that God is reestablishing the Church by bringing out the treasures in each person for such time as this. God is in these opportunities to impact lives, and just as He did in Acts 2, God is giving us great favor! A great awakening is starting in the Church, just as the Holy Spirit did when He added 3,000 believers on the Day of Pentecost. Pastor Dawn and her daughter, Tearsa, presented testimonies of people in the Church coming alive as the Holy Spirit gives them unique strategies for being a blessing. Pastor Dawn prayed for each one as we celebrate what God is doing in the newfound boldness of each believer, and the joy they have as they pursue their God-given assignments and learn that love gives and love is relational

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