July 31, 2022

Faithfulness of Jesus

Passage: John 1:1-3; 14

In the mind of the Father, Jesus was to become the sacrifice that would cover the sins of every person who acknowledged Him and received the power of His blood, reconciling man to God. Jesus was obedient to do His commission even before the foundation of the world. He came to earth as a man, in the flesh, was virgin born, lived a sinless life, and died with all of our sins on His back. He took the stripes for our healing. Shed his blood to cover our sin, enabling us to be reconciled to the father. He defeated the enemy. He made us family. He empowered us. He gave us the keys of the kingdom of God. He has loved us through every event in life. He now sends us out to be effective overcomers. He loves our children and our children’s children and will remain faithful to them. He gave us promises that can never be broken. He promised us a future. All that He has done and is doing points to the fact that His faithfulness is still available and present for us today. You can encounter Him and His faithfulness today by being with him and experiencing the glory of his presence.

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