Elder Herbert Lindo and Pastor Dawn taught why connection to God and to one another is one of Liberty’s core values.
Herbert explained why God created us to intentionally and purposefully connect with Him and with each other, though satan hinders this and subverts us to be self-centered and disconnected. The Cross portrays our VERTICAL connection with God, and our HORIZONTAL mandate to love one another. It is a very special connection to invite people into your home and share your hospitality.
Pastor Dawn imparted the truth to us that the greatest thing we can do in life is connect with God, and then with others on purpose to receive and give. Concentrate on these important things to be an influencer and draw others to God: 1) your earnest pursuit of God, 2) your capacity to recognize and value the giftings and anointings of those around you who are pursuing God, and 3) keep honor for these ministers of God alive in your heart. These three characteristics stir up your hunger for God and release God to impart awesome things of the Spirit to you, and He will cause you to influence your friends and family for God

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