October 22, 2023

Be Devoted to the Word of God

Passage: John 1:1-5

”In the beginning was the Word.”  Do you begin your day with the Word of God?  Is relationship with the Word, Jesus, the focus of everything you do?  Living the Word is what gives meaning to your life. Do you think about the Word of God throughout the day before you speak?  Circumstances come, but as you declare the Word of God, He will make your situation productive. When the answers don’t come or are delayed, it is an invitation to go deeper in God to understand what He wants for you. You can pray, “Lord, how can I use this situation to make it productive for You?” He will show you great and mighty things as you call on Him!  At the end of the service, Andrew prayed healing for people’s minds and healing for their spines. Pastor Dawn prophesied to Andrew and his wife, Rochelle.

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