March 22, 2020

Turning Crisis Into Opportunity

Passage: John 20:21

After Jesus was crucified and buried, the disciples were shut up together by FEAR. Fear had gripped their hearts. Things were happening around them that they had not counted on. They were not sure how to respond to all that was going on. But God had prepared a plan―a great awakening for them. Just like today. Some are wondering where Jesus is during these times of trauma. They are forgetting that He said He would never leave them. Jesus came and spoke the word that was needed to bring them and the atmosphere back into divine alignment. And that is as real for the Church today as it was for the beginning Church. Jesus has come to turn the tide. He is going to override the enemy by shifting the atmosphere. Just as He did for the disciples, He is saying, “Peace to you.” He not only imparted His peace to them in the midst of their confusion and fear, but He commissioned them: “As the Father has sent Me, I also send you.” And then He breathed on them, and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit.” He knew they would need to be Spirit empowered to walk in oneness with Him and the Father. He knew they would need to be Spirit empowered to fulfill His commission and to thrive. It is the same for us now! He has empowered us to walk in His peace and His power, in oneness with the Godhead, and turn the current crisis into an opportunity for the Kingdom!

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