May 12, 2024

Mother’s Day! The Faith, Hope and Love of Mary the Mother of Jesus

Passage: 1 Corinthians 13:13

We can learn and be inspired by Mary’s story. She leaned on God’s Word and moved forward, trusting God’s leading and direction. Mary believed that God would keep His promises, and decided to trust Him during the uncertainties in life.
Although Mary’s path was unknown, she surrendered to faith, hope and love, and trusted God in moving forward. Moments with God will release hope when you are facing unbelievably difficult challenges. You can experience faith in the midst of the circumstance and say to God as Mary said to the angel, “Let it be done as you have said.” And God will give you grace in that moment to do and be all that He has for you, and you can know that you can feast on His love, rest in His love all the way through the unknowns. The most important thing is to make the “God decision,” and then it’s on God to fulfill it!

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