April 7, 2024

Living Beyond the Cross, Part 2 – Your Authority in Christ, Staying Hungry for More of God

Passage: Matthew 5:6

Christ’s resurrection and victory over death and the grave is the evidence of our victory and ability to live an overcoming life. We have been united in Christ, and it is His resurrection power that gives us the power to always live in victory. His DNA is our DNA! In God‘s Kingdom, you are the apple of His eye, and He gave you the keys to the Kingdom, as well as the keys for you to have all authority. A lack of hunger for God and a lack of hunger for the greater works of God keeps us from doing the miracles that God wants to do through us. We are waiting on God for revival, but God is waiting on us to be revealed in our authority and power to partner with Him in signs, wonders and miracles! Pastor Dawn showed a powerful clip of Comedian Michael Jr. to illustrate how God wants us to pay attention and partner with Him.

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