How to Win a Battle

August 22, 2021
Being filled with the Spirit and living with a heart of worship to our God is the way we have to live if we are to live with victory in our hearts.

Heaven’s Freedom

August 8, 2021
The assurance of God's love brings Heaven’s freedom. The truth is, you had God’s approval when He sent His Son to die for you.

PowerUp! Sunday!

July 25, 2021
God has given us tools to build us up on the inside and prepare us to be on His team. And His team always wins!

Sink Like a Son

July 18, 2021
When we are able to control what is allowed to have input in our lives, we will be better equipped to walk in dominion and authority God has give us, in every situation, as true sons and daughters of God.


At Liberty, Our Passion Is...  To provide an atmosphere where Holy Spirit is welcomed and free to do WHATEVER! Where people encounter God, empowering them to engage in reaching their world with freedom and life for the purposes of the Kingdom!

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