December 5, 2021

Your Beliefs Govern Your Behavior

Passage: Matthew 1:21-24, Matthew 7:24-27, John 14:6, 2 Corinthians 10:4-5

Preached By: Eric and Cindy Taylor

What you believe matters because your beliefs govern your behavior. It is of utmost importance that you search out the truth and believe it because your behavior reflects what you truly believe. Some biblical examples of people's behavior illustrating what they truly believed were: Adam and Eve, Noah, Abraham, and Mary and Joseph. We want what we believe to be the truth, but that is a backwards approach; instead, we must believe Jesus to be Truth and God's Word to be Truth. Our lives must be built on believing the Truth, otherwise, we are deceived. We must be intentional about our behavior of not being in God's Word daily. To help with this, you can participate in the below activation of:

1. Define what behavior you would like to change.
2. Define what the thought or belief is behind that behavior.
3. Search out a verse that gives you the truth and take action on that truth.

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