February 16, 2025

XPAND – Who is HE and Who Are You?

Passage: 1 Corinthians 14:3, Proverbs 18:21

First, Pastor Dawn listed 10 benefits of prophecy and how it changes your life and increases your faith. Then, Pastor Dawn made a strong case for knowing clearly what the Word says about who God is and about who you are in God!  You need to understand that because God thinks strategically and in terms of victory, you can have His plans come to pass when you know who He is and that He has given you dominion—the power to rule and reign with Him!  God has given you the ability to think higher and align circumstances in the world to what He says. You are God's son or daughter, and you need to rise up and be who God has called You to be, and not be afraid to represent Him—or "re-present Him!" Breaking generational curses, winning against poverty mentality, and letting go of natural mindsets will release you from fear and insecurity, so you can XPAND and be a demonstration of the glory of God!

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