March 2, 2025

Who Do You Say Jesus Is?

Passage: Mark 8:27-29

While Jesus was on earth, it is recorded that He asked many questions—about 307 specific questions, by one estimate.  Jesus modeled for us how to strategically ask questions that go to the heart of a matter and cause each person to evaluate and dig deeper, and in the process help each person awaken spiritually and grow in spiritual understanding. A question Jesus asked His disciples that increased their understanding was, “Who do men say that I am?”  Then Jesus asked His disciples, “But who do you say that I am?” Today, Jesus wants to ask this question of us. He knows what the world says about Him, what other religions say about Him, even what satan says about Him, and He is not moved. But He is personally interested in what YOU have to say in answer to that question. He wants to be your Savior and Lord and have a relationship with you.

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