June 28, 2020

Title: You Can’t Go Forward by Going Backward

Passage: Psalm 118:18

This sermon is encouraging and life-giving to the Body of Christ in this unprecedented time! The Church needs to move forward despite the ongoing circumstances. Going backward is giving in to fear, and not giving in to God’s instruction. Being led by the Spirit is how we move forward. What the Church of the living God does is paramount today. We must determine to walk in the blessing of the Lord by staying in unity and that can only be done when we keep ourselves looking at Him, trusting Him, loving Him. We must decide who and what we put our confidence and trust in. We must stay in obedience to God and His Spirit. That is how we defeat the enemy. If we are going to be the force to bring change on the earth, we have to be good, be convinced He is good, and convince others He is good.

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