Dream On

January 2, 2022
If you have had a dream and it didn't seem to work out - let God breathe on it today and bring it back to life.

Serve Well, Love Well

December 12, 2021
As you serve well and love well, you will experience God's fullness when others are blessed, you are blessed, and God is honored.
What you believe matters because your beliefs govern your behavior. It is of utmost importance that you search out the truth and believe it because your behavior reflects what you truly believe. Some biblical examples of people's behavior illustrating what they truly believed were: Adam and Eve, Noah, Abraham, and Mary and Joseph. We want what we believe to be the truth, but that is a backwards approach; instead, we must believe Jesus to be Truth and God's Word to be Truth. Our lives must be built on believing the Truth, otherwise, we are deceived.
God will have the final say, and His mantle will continue to rest on those He has positioned to bring His dreams to pass.


November 7, 2021
We are in between knowing what we have known and walking in it - to walking into the unknown until God reveals and leads us to the new things he has for us.


At Liberty, Our Passion Is...  To provide an atmosphere where Holy Spirit is welcomed and free to do WHATEVER! Where people encounter God, empowering them to engage in reaching their world with freedom and life for the purposes of the Kingdom!

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