June 2, 2024

Missions Report from Papua, Indonesia, and Receiving Rest from your Burdens

Passage: Matthew 11:28, Hebrews 12:1

Barry and Patty Jordan, missionaries to Papua, Indonesia, (the western half of the island of New Guinea,) gave a moving report of how the Lord is using them in this majority Muslim nation. They said it is “such a privilege and pleasure” to be used by God in teaching Bible School, spiritually parenting many, many young people, and to also be in outreach to Muslim communities, even building and staffing Christian kindergartens in Muslim communities. Barry and Patty have found an effective way to mentor young people to “lay aside every burden,” and come to the Lord and enter the rest that only He can give. They read Hebrews 12:1 and ask the young person, “Do you have any burdens? And do you want rest from your burden?” Invariably, the answer is yes. Then Barry and Patty encourage them through a deep and cleansing experience of forgiveness, confession, resisting the devil, blessing those who have hurt you, and being filled up with the Holy Spirit. Then they prayed for everyone at the altar.

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