May 26, 2024

Generosity: 5 Presentations

Passage: Luke 6:38

Pastor Dawn asked several speakers to share 10 minutes each on one of Liberty’s core values—generosity.
1. Bryan Emory spoke on “The Measurement of Generosity,” letting your giving be from your heart, and contrasting measuring your giving with a spoon, a shovel, or a bulldozer!
2. Trish Turner spoke on “The Sensitivity of Generosity,” about being a cheerful giver and being attentive to God to give what another person needs.
3. Letha Skinner reminded us that God loved the world so much that He GAVE His own Son—John 3:16.
4. Duffy Skinner spoke on the wisdom and humility of generosity portrayed by Ruth toward Naomi.
5. Justin Taylor exposed 3 lies the devil tells us so that we will withhold and be sparing instead of generous in our giving.
Each one of our speakers brought the focus back to Jesus

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